Hi there,
In this blog I want to share with you, the different kinds of meditation postures. In my classes students ask me if there are other meditation postures. Some people have pain by sitting in sukhasana or easy pose, so it is important to find the right posture for your body. But there are also other reasons.
I hope you will enjoy. If you have questions after reading this. Don’t hesitate to contact me.
Why do you need to find the right meditation postures?
When we meditate we can find stillness, calmness,… but before we can reach this point, we need to be in there for some time. It is a process.
Deep meditation can be found when your spine is straight. If you are in meditation and your body is shaking or you feel pain this is not the right position for you. A meditation posture needs to be comfortable, so you can focus on your meditation without any other physical distractions. If you have these distraction, the end result of the meditation will not be the same.
When you often practice meditation, the postures will become more easily and comfortably, so you can stay in them for a longer period of time. So try to build up your meditations practice. Start with 5-10 minutes and then build up.
Check these boxes when you start with your meditation practice for your posture:
Is your spine straight?
Is it comfortable and can you stay in there for a while?
Type of meditation postures
Easy pose or Sukhasana
How to do the asana:
Sit with your legs straight in front of your body.
Bend one leg and place it underneath the thigh.
Bend the other leg and place it underneath the thigh.
Keep your spine and neck straight.
Place the palms of your hands on your knees. Palms facing upwards.
Arms are relaxed.
Close your eyes.
You can start your mediation practice.
You can sit on a meditation cushion or place a blanket underneath your buttocks.
You can place a pillow or blocks underneath your knees.
Thunderbolt pose or Varjasana
How to do the asana:
Knees on your mat. Keep the knees close to each other.
Bring the big toes together and separate the heels.
The buttocks is on the knees.
Place the palms of your hands on your knees.
Keep your spine and neck straight. Do not arch the back.
Close your eyes.
You can start your mediation practice.
If you have ain in your knees, you can separate the knees a little.
In the beginning, you can place a cushion or block between the legs and sit on it with your buttocks.
Breath balancing pose or Padadhirasana
How to do the asana:
Sit in the Thunderbolt pose or Varjasana.
Cross the arms in front of the chest.
Place the hands underneath the armpits. Thumbs are pointing upwards.
Keep your spine and neck straight. Do not arch the back.
Close your eyes.
You can start your breathing mediation practice.
Gracious pose or Badrasana
How to do the asana:
Sit in the Thunderbolt pose or Varjasana.
Separate the knees as far as you can. The toes stay in contact with the floor.
Place the buttocks on your feet or the floor. Depending on how flexible you are.
Place the hands on your knees.
Keep your spine and neck straight. Do not arch the back.
Close your eyes.
You can start your breathing mediation practice.
Sitting posture on a chair
How to do the asana:
Sit on the chair.
Make sure that your feet are flat on the ground.
Place your hands on your knees.
Keep your spine and neck straight. Do not arch the back.
Close your eyes.
You can start your breathing mediation practice.
Why not use savasana?
In savasana we lay on our back and close our eyes. In this posture we tend to drift away an fall a sleep. In meditation it is essential to remain awake and alert. Otherwise the meditation will not happen.
What postures can you do before the meditation posture?
Here are a few postures that you can do before sitting in the mediation posture:
Rotate your ankles (Goolf chakra)
How to do the asana:
Sit with your legs straight in front of your body. Hip width apart.
Keep your spine straight.
Keep the heals on the floor.
Slowly rotate the right foot clockwise from the ankle.
Do this 10 times.
Repeat the practice but anti-clockwise.
You can do both feet together or apart.
Knee crank (Janu chakra)
How to do the asana:
Sit with your legs straight in front of your body.
Bend the right knee and bring the thigh near the chest.
Place the hands underneath the knees. Interlock your fingers.
Keep your spine straight.
Rotate the lower leg in circular movements. Try to straighten your leg at the top off the upward movement.
Do this 10 times rotating clockwise and then 10 times anti-clockwise.
Half butterfly (Ardha titali asana)
How to do the asana:
Sit with your legs straight in front of your body.
Bend the right leg and place the right foot comfortably on the left thigh.
Place the right hand on top of the right knee.
Hold the right toes with the left hand.
Push the right knee down. Try to touch the knee onto the floor but do not push yourself.
Do this also to the other side.
Hip rotation (Shroni chakra)
How to do the asana:
Same starting position as the half butterfly or Ardha titali asana.
In stead of pushing the knee down. Make circular movements with your knees as large as possible.
Do this 10 times rotating clockwise and then 10 times anti-clockwise. Both on left and right side.
Full butterfly (Poorna titali)
How to do the asana:
Sit with your legs straight in front of your body.
Bend both of the knees and place the souls of the feet together.
Let the knees fall open.
Hold your feet with your hands and move your knees up and down.
I hope this will help you on your journey. See you next week with a new blog.
Have a nice day and Namasté from Yogista,